‘Month Of Birth’ Annual Reviews

We were working hard on building a new system to help make things easier for you to arrange an annual review if you have a long term condition, such as diabetes, COPD, asthma or pre-diabetes (slightly raised blood sugar level).

We are delighted to announce our new solution has been a great success and we look forward to inviting you again to book in for a review of your long term condition near the calendar month of your birth. For instance – if you are born in July and are diabetic, you will be invited for a diabetic review around July. This does not mean that you can’t have a review at a different time but we will actively be inviting you around your month of birth.

We will actively contact you twice by text message, phone or letter. You can call the practice to make an appointment if that is easier for you.

We hope that this makes things easier for you and that it will help us to ensure that we are providing you with the absolute best care.

Dr Phil Thompson


New GP Appointment System.. gone live Wednesday 28 June 2023!


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